

Product#: 334
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Health + Calciumascorbate Powder, 250g

If you are looking for acid-free vitamin C  as a dietary supplement, the HEALTH + calcium ascorbate powder is a good choice. Vitamin C is an ascorbic acid, but it can lead to over-acidification if it is taken in high doses. Also, calcium ascorbate, vitamin C, but it is here in basic, not in acidic form and can be dosed much higher than pure ascorbic acid, the intestinal problems stomach can result in high quantities. Anyone who has a sensitive stomach or its acid-base household equ t  does not want to disrupt attacks, thus to cover best for stomach friendly calcium ascorbate to the need for vitamin C. We recommend 1.22g powder (1 heaped measuring spoon) to be taken daily with water. The dose can be slightly increased in acute illnesses.

Why is vitamin C important?

A sufficient supply of vitamin C is important, as the substance not only contributes to a strong immune system full of defenses, but also has a major influence on the complexion of the skin, on the formation of collagen and on the structure of connective tissue. It also has an antioxidant effect, so it protects against oxidative stress and  fights free radicals, which can attack and destroy cells. Vitamin C also plays an essential role in mineral metabolism and energy metabolism. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones (testosterone) and neurotransmitters, increases  iron absorption in the body and supports the excretion of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and nickel. Vitamin C is involved in numerous processes in the body and should therefore always be available in sufficient quantities - if in doubt, a dietary supplement  such as HEALTH+ calcium ascorbate powder can help.

Prevent vitamin C deficiency

Although vitamin C is essential, i.e. vital, and cannot be produced by the body itself, a deficiency rarely occurs today.  Fruits and vegetables, which are valuable sources of vitamin C and should ideally be eaten raw and fresh, are available in large quantities in our society. In addition, many foods, especially canned foods, contain  vitamin C  as a preservative, which is declared as an additive E3 102. A vitamin C deficiency can lead to a weak immune system and manifest itself in symptoms such as bleeding gums, increased susceptibility to infections, poor wound healing, muscle wasting, joint inflammation, diarrhea, fever and dizziness. Scurvy, a vitamin deficiency disease, can even lead to death, but is rarely seen today, as there are numerous ways to supply the body with sufficient vitamin C - be it through daily food intake or with the help of a powdered dietary supplement .

Note: The HEALTH+  calciumascorbate powder is the pure active ingredient without additives and fillers!